Friday, March 28, 2008

Great Find - Imoga for Tots

Now that I have two kids and started branching out into baby for my Stacia collection, I'm always on the look out for great new kid's lines. An old friend from my not-so favorable past at The Limited emailed me the other day to reconnect. We both worked at The Limited in the-mid 90's - lured out to Ohio from NYC with thoughts of grandeur (big paychecks, signing bonus perks, a car, and designer "titles"). What a joke and a horrible experience in my design career! We all came running back to NYC in less than 11 months with our tail between our legs. But that's another any case, I'm happy to reconnect with a fellow knitwear designer, Heajung Chung, who now designs and owns the fabulous kid's line Imoga. Her line is both refreshingly clean and free of cutesy embellishments and sport's themed logos. These are the clothes I'd want to put on my kid's back (besides a Stacia sweatertee, of course!) Her line is Asian inspired with subtle references to her Korean heritage, infused with Western wear-ability and the latest fashion trends. But don't worry, your kid won't look all tarted up in a trendy, mini-version of the Pussy Cat dolls (I'm so sick of seeing toddlers sexed up in mini-me clothes and if I see another rock star tee on a kid I'm going to puke). And thankfully no sign of frou frou bells n' whistles and stereotypical pinks and blues that are pretty much your choices in stores today. I love Imoga's clean lines, fun colors and patterns, and smart sensibility. I can only hope and aspire to grow my baby line as well!

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