Saturday, September 8, 2007

Moms Gone Surfin'

I've never been a big fan of surfing alone, and now with two small children I find it even harder to get to the beach with my board. Low and behold, I came across the perfect solution - a surf Moms group on the Westside. I'm not a big believer in organized play dates and Mommy & Me groups (boring...), but I am all for a play date for Mommy! What's better than meeting up with fellow Mom surfers on the beach with your kids? I have no interest in sitting around chatting about spit up, poopy diapers, and baby music classes. I want to get out in those waves and bond with my fellow Moms on another level. Junior can stay on the beach and play with his buddies, while Mommy plays in the surf. I was so fortunate to come across an article in our local Santa Monica Daily Press paper about a group of Moms that have been getting together in Santa Monica at local beaches to surf. Just what I've been looking for! So yesterday, I ventured out with my daughter, Kai, in the Baby Bjorn and my board under my arm to Bay St. (Tower 22) - armed and ready to have fun. The other Moms ranged from advanced to beginner surfers so I felt comfortable fitting in (I'm neither good nor bad, just extremely rusty!) We all got pummeled in the dumping waves, but ended up having a blast in the whitewater practicing our wave riding. All the while our kids frolicked in the sand (the rule is you take turns surfing and watching each other's kids.) What a work out! In no time that baby weight will be off and Mommy will finally be getting her weekly surfin' fix. Can't wait till next week for another outing with the Westside Surf Moms!

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